Friday, October 31, 2008

Hugs and Kisses.....

I just love doing these jars. I found the idea in an old BHG book that I had. They are so easy and quick!

Materials needed:

Clean canning jar or other clear jar with lid
Black acrylic paint
Lime green nail polish (or other spooky color)
Sponge for painting with
Small plastic spiders, bugs and snakes
Black tulle or mesh
Black ribbon
Hot glue or other clear drying glue
Hershey Kisses


Paint the outside of the jar and the lid with the black paint using a sponging technique. Using the same sponge, splotch the green nail polish over the black paint. Let dry. Cut the tulle or mesh into square to fit between the two pieces of the canning jar lid so that the mesh hangs out of the sides a bit. Fill jar with Hershey Kisses. Glue bugs on outside of jar. You can also add little snakes for the "hisses" part, but I didn't have any on hand. Of course, I did glue rhinestones to the back of the bugs just to give them a little bling. Decorate tag with poem to say "Hugs -n- Kisses, Bugs -n- Hisses" and add ribbon and tie to the outside of the jar.

These are easy enough for the kids to help with.
Happy Halloween!


snowflakesoneyelashes said...

How clever!! They would be cute to do with a christmas theme too.

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

I found you thru flickr :)
The pictures of your trick or treat were AMAZING!!! Those houses~wow!!!!!
LUcky kids...and Lucky Adults LOL!!!
I wish our Trick or Treat was that FABULOUS!!!!
I really enjoyed your blog too...I'm going to add it to my favorite places from my blog, wanna add me too? Let me know what you think.